About our Course
The 120-credit Level 5 Diploma in Business Management aims to expedite students’ progression to the final stage of a relevant undergraduate degree in business and management. This credential can be earned either through distance learning or on campus at a UK university.
The Level 5 modules and assignments mirror the curriculum typically covered in the second year of a university degree program. This comprehensive course consists of ten Level 5 modules, totaling 120 credits, complementing the ten Level 4 modules that make up the initial 120 credits. Each level includes six written tasks to assess student understanding and application.
Each Level 5 module entails approximately 40 hours of guided instruction, with an additional 30 to 50 hours available for optional study. These educational resources encompass recommended readings, suggested tasks, and online references, facilitating a well-rounded learning experience.
This course is eligible for ELCAS funding.
Qualification: Level 5 Diploma in Business Management – 601/6049/4
Course Content
The entrepreneurial manager
What is an entrepreneur? Examine the skills and qualities of entrepreneurship.
Organisation structures
Why do organizations have the structures that they do? What factors define the ideal structure, and how does it vary throughout organizations? Students will examine the various ideas and models that comprise organizational structure in this topic.
Practical accounting analysis
Throughout this module, learners will do tasks in accounts to gain an understanding of what the accounts are saying us and the actions that analysis can trigger.
Business planning and goal setting
What does the company want to accomplish? How is it going to behave? How is it going to accomplish that? The development of precise plans and goals in order to accomplish precise objectives is the main topic of this module.
Politics and business
The influence of politics on business and its potential benefits and drawbacks. Students will learn about government support, exports, and the economic consequences in this session.
Business law
Explore the statutory responsibilities of managers as learners look into the legalities of business and business executives.
Managing in today’s world
Business in the modern world. This module focuses on governance and equality as a means to do right in business.
Performance management
In order to guarantee excellent performance in the workplace, learners will examine reward systems, CPD, training, and development. They will also understand how your people and your organization can continuously progress together.
Marketing and sales planning
Learners will analyse how markets, customers, competitors and products can come together in a cohesive plan.
Quantitative skills
After completing this module successfully, students will be familiar with numerical exercises and comprehend how they are used in a corporate setting.
The assignment unit titles for the level 5 course are:
- Business development
- Business models and growing organisations
- Customer management
- Responding to the changing business environment
- Risk management and organisations
- Effective decision making
What is included in the cost of our course?
- All course material, including online modules and written assignments
- Personal tutor support with 1-2-1 Zoom sessions
- committed student assistance
- Having access to a social learning forum online
- Assignment evaluation and comments
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